The Social safeguard management programme   Ridiyagama dam is being fully rehabilitated by the DSWRPP under the financial assistance of the World Bank. Even though the final outcome of the rehabilitation of the dam is socially beneficial, negative social impacts are likely to arise during rehabilitation of...

Connecting North and South outer circular highway - OCH3 A Defining Moment In The Consultancy Industry   Leading local Engineering Consortium comprising of MG Consultants (Pvt) Ltd.. Resource Development Consultants (Pvt) Ltd.. and Engineering Consultants (Pvt) Ltd.. wishes to announce the signing million Road Construction Supervision Project. The...

MGC’s recent involvement with the World Bank funded project…   MGC signed an agreement with the Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) funded by the World Bank to conduct an Environmental Assessment, in February 2015. This assessment is a prerequisite to the commencement of rehabilitation...

MGC’s latest addition in upgrading the national road network   The Southern Highway has greatly enhanced connectivity and convenience for vehicular traffic between Colombo and the Deep South, but while the main highway has undoubtedly been a boon for travel and trade, further development was needed to...

Knowledge, attitudes and practices of tuberculosis among Sri Lankan Public   Consultants Private Limited (MGC) signed the agreement to conduct a national survey on knowledge, attitude and practices related to Tuberculosis (TB) among the public, with the Ministry of Health, Nutrition & Indigenous Medicine, in December 2015....
