We are proud to announce that our company has been awarded the Construction Supervision and Contract Administration project for the Rehabilitation of 460 km of Rural Roads under the Inclusive Connectivity and Development Project (ICDP) in Sri Lanka. Funded by the World Bank and managed...

MG Consultants, in Joint venture with Engineering Consultants, Sri Lanka and Roughton International Limited, United Kingdom, is delighted to announce the successful signing of the contract for the Design Review and Construction Supervision of the Kandy Multimodal Transport Terminal (KMTT). We are proud to declare...

MG Consultants (PVT) Ltd. bagged an award at the National Business Excellence Awards 2021 organized by the National Chamber of Commerce, Sri Lanka. Congratulations team MGC! This is a well deserved recognition for our service excellence in the industry....

Combining our local expertise with a global knowledge base, we strive to serve our clients with services contributing to the national development at large. Providing a dedicated service with world class project management competencies has always been a vital part of our success story. Three...

MGC recently commenced three agriculture sector policy studies in the areas of Technology Adoption, Agricultural Production Relations and Food, Consumption, Nutrition and Health for the World Bank funded Agriculture Sector Modernization Project ( ASMP), Ministry of Agriculture”. Formal contract signing between MGC and ASMP was...
