Connecting the North

Northern Road Connectivity Project (NRCP) – Additional Financing, funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Connectivity improvement provides opportunity for the development, breaking isolation of the communities in the remote areas. MGC along with Engineering Consultants (Pvt) Ltd (ECL) is the chosen implementer for the project funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). This was the first instance of which an ADB contract was awarded to a Sri Lankan consultancy firm
The objective of the Northern Road Connectivity Project (NRCP) is to rehabilitate an additional 110 km of national roads and 120 km of provincial roads in Northern Province (NP) and North Central Province (NCP), which will facilitate economic growth by enhancing road connectivity between the North and the South. The national highway component of the project which is to rehabilitate and improve 5 roads totalling 117.5 km including 67.6 km in the NCP and 49.88 km in the NP, conducting on the-job training for the Employer’s staff and reporting and documenting progress
The project is implemented by the Road Development Authority (RDA). Commenced in October 2013 the project is planned to be completed by end of 2015. MGC and Engineering Consultants (Pvt) Ltd maintain a Joint Venture (JV) partnership, for the implementation contribution. The JV has deployed national and international professionals and is engaged in the contract administration and construction supervision of 117 km of national roads (Class A & B), construction of associated bridges and major drainage work in the North Central Province (Anuradhapura Districts) and Northern Province (Mannar and Jaffna Districts)